Women Who Work is a non-profit organisation that aims to support women in professional services to return to work after maternity leave.
We hope to improve gender diversity in professional services by increasing the pool of talented and ambitious women who want to progress their careers.
Women are hugely under-represented in the professional services industry, particularly in senior positions. The common thread for why women do not proceed with their careers is often due to having had children, whether that be because of childcare costs or the responsibility that having children puts on women primarily.
Women Who Work wants to support and encourage women back to work after children by creating a network where women feel comfortable discussing and raising issues. We also want to change things and have two policy aims: (1) let’s make childcare tax deductible; and (2) let’s normalise the taking of paternity leave.
What’s new
Recent blog posts:
It is all going great until it isn’t
Check out the results of a 2022 Childcare survey: